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About us

As be U. Manufakturen we have been around for years.
The idea of ​​starting my own factory came about during my time in Great Britain, where I lived for 11 years.
There are many companies that make handmade things with love and dedication.
It quickly became clear that we wanted to revitalize the somewhat backward area of ​​bed linen and home textiles.
Because to this day there is hardly any company where you can choose a design and then your individual bed linen with all the associated pillow sizes will be delivered to you. This is exactly where we entered.

We can proudly say that we were the first in Europe to no longer pack bed linen in plastic, but to tailor reusable bags – exactly in the fabric of the bed linen. Because the preservation of nature is extremely important to us.

Over time, a manufactory for special cosmetic problem solvers was added. We also had two shops in Brühl near Cologne, both of which were running well. Then Corona came and everything became different.

The idea for be U. Haus der Manufakturen came from zapping through YouTube – there I watched a season of the counterpart to the dragon’s den from Australia. There, one company offered smaller shops the opportunity to position themselves with a box in top locations of shopping centers.

Then I thought to myself: “Hey Klaus, that must also be possible in Germany – only better.”
Hence the Haus der Manufakturen was born.
We now work directly with many other high-quality manufacturers and have founded the “Haus der Manufakturen”.

Here you can buy everything from luxury foods to socks that will be produced  manually.

In our probierBAR you can try out all the products before you buy them – according to the motto:
“Try before you buy.”

Together we can offer you a top location where you can get unique products.

New ideas and products are added every day – so we also came into contact with coffee manufacturers and by chance we got to know an Indonesian coffee farmer who told us about the regional problem that the plantation owners no longer have any offspring, since the next generation would rather earn more money in the cities than on the traditional coffee plantations to operate. More and more plantations are rotting away or are being bought up by multinational corporations – the livelihood is then gone and the families are impoverished.

That gave us no peace and we made a cooperation with Ailton.
Now we buy the coffee directly from the farmers at much higher prices and in return we get the highest quality coffee paired with full transparency about sustainability in cultivation and better wages for the plantation workers.
A win-win-win situation
Because the third winner is you – You get a coffee that would otherwise no longer exist.

So enjoy your favorite coffee with a clear conscience and let yourself be inspired by our products.

We look forward seeing you


Live your life with full passion and with all of your heart