A freshly prepared dish everyday

An unforgettable moment of pleasure every day!

Immerse yourself in the world of flavors and let yourself be seduced by our passion for exquisite indulgence. Our unique dish of the day offers you a diverse taste experience, from exotic spices to local delicacies.

Let yourself be pampered with a special highlight: our pasta dish, refined by the artistry of Stefano. He creates unique sauce specialties based on handmade fresh Noodles that harmonize perfectly. To top it off, the dish is given a refreshing boost of pleasure that will make your senses dance.

You can only experience this unique moment of pleasure with us. Come by and let yourself be surprised by our daily changing dish. It is the perfect opportunity to discover new flavors and experience culinary highlights.

Enjoy the day with our outstanding dish of the day and let us spoil you. We look forward to giving you an unforgettable moment of pleasure!